Sabrina Carpenter Challenge: Short n' Sweet Streams! šŸ’‹šŸŽ¶
Sabrina Carpenter Challenge: Short n' Sweet Streams! šŸ’‹šŸŽ¶
Aug 23 2024 06:59 - Sep 10 2024 06:59
Enrolled 618 persons

Play the album "Short n' Sweet" on either Spotify, YouTube or Apple Music and take a screenshot when you see 2 of the same number in the total play count of any song on the album.

For example, if the current stream count is at 5,508,429, you can bingo with ā€œ5ā€! You can listen to the album until you capture the stream number with at least 2 of the same number.

Screenshot & post it on Sabrina Carpenter's fandom in Stanly with the hashtag #SNSBingo

You can submit as many entries as you want with different stream numbers. The winner will be picked via a random generator.

2 winners will be picked to win official Short Nā€™ Sweet merchandise shipped over to you.